Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever. Alma 26:12

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Computer is stuck on German!

Hez mom! I can't believe the week AFTER I leave is when we finallz get a dishwasher haha. (sorrz about the spelling, the computer is stuck on German...). I dont know of anzone that has received either their visa or their FBI clearance. Mz teacher said that out of our district, mine would most likelz come first. All of the other visas went through west coast consulates. Gzm is one of the onlz times that we dont have to staz with our companions. I could plaz Vollezball and he could plaz basketball. Weve both decided on 4 square though haha. On Pdaz, we get to go to the temple with our yone. Im excited.
My favorite place to study ...quiet!
Finallz a break from all this work. The language is coming along fairlz well. Im picking up vocab fairlz quicklz. The grammar kills though. Elder Zwick took 4 zears of spanish and its helping him immenselz. Shoulda passed on latin haha. Weve now taught our investigator (Sandro (pronounced Sandrew)) 3 times. Everz time it gets easier. The hardest part is that we're onlz allowed to speak in portuguese... Not fun haha. We havent started SZL (Speak zour language) zet (Where we onlz speak Portuguese). Well probablz start next week. (P.S. whenever I hit the apostrophe button it puts in รค... sorrz if its kinda hard to read haha). Love zou all!! Elder Hamstead

My companion, Elder Carlson
Hez Papa!! ( switch the ys and the zs.. the computer is in German so for whatever reason, thezre switched...) I LOVE THE CTM. Its reallz great here and much easier than I had
The District
expected. The hardest part is the language but I love it at the same time. I know that Ill know it soon enough so im not super stressed about it. Mz faith and love in The Lord has grown more in the last 6 dazs than it has over the past 18 zears! I know that this is where I should be and I wouldnt trade it for the world. We got luckz with a smaller than average district. Onlz 4 people! We have all become close and will get even closer over the next 5 weeks. Thank zou for zour faith and for helping and inspiring me to make the right decision. Let me know if zou have anz questions!

Love zou!
Elder Hamstead 
View from my bunk!
View from my classroom window.