Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever. Alma 26:12

Monday, July 27, 2015

This past week was a big 'ol blessin. (July 20)

This past week was a big 'ol blessin. We found an awesome family that's passing some difficulties (health, family, money, basically all of the important things). We taught them the restoration and explained to them that God loves them and doesn't want them to be sad. The fact that we had found them was proof of that. We explained that the restoration is proof of the love that he has for them. They understood and accepted dates of baptism for this Sunday (7/26). They went to church and loved it! I know whole heartedly that the gosple of Jesus Christ will change their lives. 

Unfortunately, I wont be able to stick around and see the before and after. Yesterday night I was transfered. Im gonna return to Pacajus😂!!!! You have no idea how happy I got when the transfer was passed to me. I love Pacajus with all of my heart (I passed 7 months there). My companion is Elder Alvorado. Remember him? He lived with me in Pacajus! He was being trained by Elder Gardner while I was training Elder Page. Now we're gonna be ZLs together! Its crazy how things work on the mission haha. My area now is called Pedras and is about an hour from the city Pacajus (I took pics of my house to send to Mommy, but I forgot my camera. Sorry!). Im gonna try to visit my old area in division this week! I'm super excited! :) I'll send more pics next week. It's super chill here so I can walk around with my camera again :D. 

Love you guys!!! :)

Pics (July 13)

Celebrating the 4th! (July 6)

I also didnt have anything planned for the 4th of July. Fortunately, it seems like whenever I really want something God makes it happen :). We arrived at luch at noon like normal and were informed by the sister that we would have to go with them to her husbands brothers house for lunch and that he was already there. We waited a bit for our ride (Her brother in law) to come and get us all and we were off. When we arrived, I realized that it wouldnt be any normal lunch. The house was FULL of people. People that I had already met, and people that I hadn't. Turns out that they had a bunch of family visiting from São Paulo. It was a family reunion! I was sad that I wouldn't be able to be part of the family reunion that you guys are gonna have but God gave me another (On the fourth of July) and the food was great! Unfortunately, this year I didnt get to take pics :(. So right now I'm working just in my area Jardim Castelão (Castle garden). I was working with Elder Amaral in my area and in his (Serrinha). But now he was transfered to my area and his area was closed (It doesnt have missionaries anymore). Now hes working with me as my companion (Permanent) in Jardim Castelão. Im sorry to hear about your toe! I hope it gets better soon! Send pics! Your garden is looking great though! Im super excited to get back and mow that lawn! Its crazy, the things you start to miss on the mission. I might not return home until March. I think Im gonna try to extend my mission. Tell Kelsey that she has to get married to a member of the church before she can go to UGA! 

Teaching super simply...(June 8)

This past week was awesome! Ok so Im gonna start out telling you guys about our baptism for this week. Her name is Elisabeth. We found her while knocking doors a few weeks ago. At first I thought that she probably wouldnt progress and that we wouldnt stay much time with her, but God showed me that I should really stop judging people. Youd think that after almost a year and a half on the mission that I wouldnt have that problem anymore. But whatever, everyones got faults :). Our first lesson, she didnt pay much attention and reluctantly let us return. We returned, and returned, and retrurned and to our suprise, everytime that we returned, she did the thig that we had asked of her in the last lesson (Read, Pray - Simple things that a majority of people dont do). We were a bit worried when the day arrived that we had planned to teach her the word of wisdom. The baptism was 5 days away and she still had problems with coffee and cigarettes! We went in, and taught her super simply. The Spirit came and came strongly. We felt it and more importantly she felt it. Since that day, she hasnt smoked and she has stopped drinking coffee too!! Miracle! So ya, this week was pretty awesome. Its funny how the Lord works. He takes the small, simple and flawed and works miracles through them. I know that the Lord loves each and everyone of us and I know that if we really have the desire to follow him, he will guide us.
Today is transfer day. My companion is leaving, but hes happy. Hes gonna be senior! Im gonna train again but the Elder that I will train wont arrive for another 2 weeks so Im gonna stay with Elder Amoral. Ill be working in my area and in his (Which is about 30-40 minutes by bus). Shoud be fun haha :).

Doing my part...May 25

This week was pretty cool. We had a training with President Fusco on Friday and on Saturday we had an awesome opportunity to serve a woman from our ward. The training as usual was super spiritual. I know 100% that President Fusco really was called of God to be our president. Only 4 people showed up to the service project (Me, my comp, a member that will leave on his mission next month - Segundo, and the quorum president). We worked all morning but we werent able to finish 100%. But thats ok I was super greatful just to be there and to do my part. We cleared out the backyard of the grandma of Segundo. It was filled with tall thorny weeds :). We were able to get rid of basically all of the weeds. We just didnt have enough time to take the huge pile of dead weeds out of her backyard. We're gonna return on saturday :). Ya so the week was good. But this week will be better! We have a baptism this week!! :)

*** When we asked who was going to be baptized and what's the story, Christopher responded:
And youll get it! Next week! Not sure who it is yet haha :)