On Wednesday, I went on a division with the other Elders that live in my house. I got to explore their area with Elder Alvorado (Hes a Honduran (From Honduras) being trained by Elder Gardner and has 1 transfer in the mission). It was so cool and such a good experience. Even though he only has one transfer, I feel like I was able to learn a lot with him.
Thursday was a really good day. We had a lot of lessons, novos and... I finally reached the end of my self imposed junk food/soda diet. Wahooooo! I can finally drink soda again haha. Not really excited about being able to eat junk food haha. I think I'll just continue avoiding it haha.
Friday was completely insane. We passed by literally all of our investigators to confirm conference with them.
Saturday was.... Interesting. We arrived at the chapel a bit early only to find that the satelite was having problems and that at least the first session would be a no go. We called a bunch of investigators, informing them of the problem. We tried to find a member to watch with, but unfortunately, this weekend Brasil had elections and in Brasil, you can only vote where you were born (Unless you file some papers and switch voting places.. Which basically nobody does here..). So ya.. Basically all the members were gone and we missed the first session. During the time that would have been ^between sessions^, We had the baptism of Jaqueline! Shes super cool and has a great testamony! Unfortunately, the problem with the satalite persisted during the Saturday night session too.. You have no idea how frustrated I was. Fortunately, the missionaries in Pacajus 2 (the other ward) found a member that we could watch with. It was a bit squished, but fortunately, we still had enough room for the Spirit. That session was soooooooo goooooood! Sunday morning we were scrambeling to find a member that we could watch with. We didnt find anyone.. But fortunately, like half an hour into it, we recieved the call that the satelite was functioning again. We ran to the chaple and caught the last hour. Sunday night was the only session without problems haha. Im downloading them all right now haha.
Sunday was also transfer day.. My companion, Elder Aron, was the only one in our house to be transfered. And this morning I woke up as Lider de Distrito Treinador (District Leader Trainer).... I cant explain how nervous I am or how unprepared I feel. Fortunately, I know that the Lord will qualify me. I know it won't be painless, but I know he'll be with me every step of the way. On Thursday, I'll go to Fortaleza to pick up my new companion (American! I hope my Portugese is good enough to teach him......). Until then, I'm staying with the District Leader of Horizonte.
I have pictures to send but I forgot my card reader... Sorry!!!
Elder Hamstead
P.s. Dont be upset if I didn't respond to your email.. Didn't have enough time :/